Friday, November 26, 2010

Saving The Aunties

Being called 'Mom' is way better than being called an 'Aunty'. In fact Mom is as positive a moniker as Aunty is a negative one. While Mom conjures up images of loveable, respectworthy, and nice, Aunty brings to mind a plump, interfering and obnoxious figure. This is mailny because (Indian) films and ads portray the Aunty as a crude, criticising or match-making busybody. So much so that, the Indian habit of showing respect by using the A word has turned into one of disrespect. So my shock at being called Aunty is not age-related, but image-related

One of the biggest compliments I got as a teacher was when a sixth standard student accidentally referred to me as Mamma. It was as if an honour had been bestowed. Whereas being called Aunty, leaves one cold. The other day I read a post by a young lady that did some aunty-bashing.The writer assumes that an aunty assumes that a young person is arrogant, perverse and slutty if she speaks English, goes to work and has male friends home to fix the taps. This is probably how all youngsters typecast Aunties. I think of each Aunty in my acquaintance, and try to check her against the prototype given above. None matches. It's too bad that we cannot live up to the expectations.

Now is when I express my apology to all the women that I called Aunty for the last twenty years and all the men that I called Uncle, too. And a word to youngsters: Wipe that smile off your face; youll be there before you know it.


AtomicGitten said...

Death to the offending Aunty-caller.But not everyone anti-aunty, you know. Personal experience with a variety of aunty-specimens have lead me ot believe that the stereotypical 'Aunty', like a lot of stereotypes, seem to exist only in stereotypes. And besides with you e ey term is complimentary :D -you have documentary evidence that you are the awesomest aunty ever :D

Materialmom said...

Thanx Kanna


Lol! but better than moi!

Materialmom said...


Anonymous said...

Indians are probably the only community who call each and every middle aged person they meet as uncles and aunties. Its sort of a nice feeling to make relations just like that. So if anything, those youngsters you talk of are treating you as family :)


Materialmom said...

@ Anush
Tell me about it..... 15 years from now

Anonymous said...

hahaha, they already do :)


Materialmom said...

:D Welcome to the club

AtomicGitten said...

Anush: Wait- they call you aunty :P